General Term Loan

13 Jul 2021 13:06:59

Objective -
a) To promote economic development activities of Safai Karamcharis and their dependents;
b) To promote self-employment ventures for the benefit and /or rehabilitation of Safai Karamcharis and their dependents;
c) To assist, through the State Scheduled Castes Development/finance corporation or any other Channelising Agency designated by the State Government or Union Territory Administration and subject to the directions given by the Government from time to time, Safai Karamcharis and their dependents, either individually or in groups, by way of grants, subsidy, loans or advances for economically and financially viable income generating schemes and projects;
d) To grant concessional finance to Safai Karamcharis and their Dependents in collaboration with the Ministries or Departments of GOI or Governments of States/UTs under relevant programmes;
e) To extend loans to students from the community of Safai Karamcharis for pursuing `professional or technical education;
f) To promote training, quality control, technology upgradation, and common facility centers for carrying out sanitation works;
g) To assist state level organizations dealing with development o Safai Karamcharis and their dependents by way of providing financial assistance and in obtaining commercial funding or by way of re-financing.
h) To work as an apex institution for coordinating and monitoring the work of all Corporations, Boards set up by the State Governments/Union Territories administrations for assisting Safai Karamcharis and their dependents for their
economic development.
i) To help in furthering the policies and programs of the Government for socioeconomic development of Safai Karamcharis and their dependents.
j) To assist in the up-gradation of technical and entrepreneurial skills of persons belonging to the community of Safai Karamcharis or their dependants for proper and efficient management of production and service units set up by them.
k) To assist self-employed individuals or groups of individuals from the community of Safai Karamcharis including their dependants or units/cooperatives set up by them in procurement of raw materials or other outputs and marketing of finished goods or services.
Beneficiary catlog -
SC/ST, NSK(National Safai Karmacharis)
Eligibility -
a) The beneficiary should be Scavenger/Safai Karmchari or their dependents duly identified under the NSLRS (National Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers) or in a survey or a registered co-operative society of Safai Karmacharis or legally constituted association/firm promoted by the target group and all those who could not be covered under the survey already conducted in this regard but produce a certificate from local Revenue Officer or an officer of local Municipal Office, rank of gazetted officer. Scavenger means and includes a Safai Karamchari wholly or partially employed for manual handling of human excreta and includes his dependents. Safai Karamchari means a person engaged in, or employed for any sanitation work and includes his dependents.
b) No income limit is fixed for availing financial assistance. However, other things being equal, the Company shall accord priority to economic development and, rehabilitation of:
i) Scavengers, and amongst scavengers, those Scavengers whose income is below double poverty line;
ii) Women from among the target group and
iii) disabled persons along the target group.
c) Financial viability, income-generating capacity of the project etc. would be considered while evaluating the project for financing.
Feature -
a) Term loan assistance is provided for projects costing up to Rs.5.00 Lacs. However for the purpose of sanitation related economic activities, term loan assistance for projects costing up to Rs.10.00 Lacs may be financed.
b) Promoter’s contribution not to be insisted up to project cost of Rs. 2 Las. For more than 2 Lacs project cost cases, minimum promoter’s contribution to be insisted would be 5 %.
c) Term loan an be provided up to maximum of 90% of the unit cost and the remaining 10% is to be provided by the State Channelising Agencies (therein after referred to as SCA) in the form of loan including subsidy and promoter’s contribution if any and all other available sources of funds.
d) Interest Rate:- Amount of loan from NSKFD Interest Chargeable from Per project/unit Channelising Beneficiary Agency Upto Rs. 5.00 Lacs & Exceeding Rs. 5.00 lacs 3% not exceeding 6%
e) The repayment schedule of loan would be fixed strictly on the basis of income generating capacity of the unit with proper moratorium by the State Channelising Agencies and the National Corporation in the beginning itself.
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