Financial Assistance for marriage of poor S.C. brides

ssf-map    10-Jul-2021
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1) Objective -
a) The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the poor SC parents for performing marriage of their daughters.

2) Eligibility -
a) Annual income of the parent/guardian shall not exceed Rs.2,00,000/-.
b) Financial Assistance shall not be received from other sources.
c) The Parent/Guardian of the bride should be a citizen of India and a native of Pondicherry.
d) The marriage shall be performed in accordance with the law.
e) Assistance is provided for the first marriage alone.
f) The Financial assistance is available only for two daughters in a family.
g) Attained the age of 18 years and 21 years for bride and bride groom respectively.
h) Application shall be submitted by the applicant 30 days prior to the date of marriage and within 60 days from the date of performance of the marriage.

3) Feature -
a) Financial assistance at the rate of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) in each case for the marriage of their two daughters.

4) Document -
a) Proof of identity/copy of Aadhar card
b) Caste/Income/Residence-cum-nativity certificate issued by the competent authority.
c) First time marriage certificate obtained from MP/M.L.A/Commissioner of Municipality/Commune Panchayat.
d) Bank A/C details of the applicant.